OK so the lovely Jazz has tagged me... watch out suckers you are next!
Anyway here are the 20 interesting??? random facts about moi:
01. I was born in the UK and moved to Australia with my parents when I was all of 2 years old. It is a stroke of luck that we were accepted for residencey as my father was about to leave to work as an engineer in Saudi.
02. I was also born with a tumourous growth on my side most was removed in surgery after birth but it grew back and after numerous experimental proceedures I was finally put under the knife again at age 10 and was declared tumour free age 11.
03. When I left high school I never thought I would go to university, now I am at university I can't believe I am getting offered web design work, something I though I would never persue again.
04. I almost drown as a 2 year old no shit.. my parents found me face down in a pool at my aunty's house.. had only just fallen in.. I was afraid of the ocean and going sailing for along time however now I love both these things... I think that the ocean is one of the few things I could possibly say I feel i spiritual about.
05. I can't stand to eat bananas, unless they are as tiny specks in banana cake. The natural texture of them just makes me want to
06. On my mother's side of the family I am related to the guy who built this:
No wonder I have at least some aptitude for design, tech drawing and science for that matter!
07. I love pineapple juice.
08. I once drank far too much tequila (yes more than one lip, sip suck)
and put on the most spectacular projectile vomitting show from friends veranda.
09. Wheat Grass shots are awesome, I don't understand how some people can't stand the taste it is beautiful stuff.
10. I consider my brother my best friend in the world.
11. I would love to spend a year in antarctica taking ice core samples... might sound boring to you but I would love it.
12. I met the Govonator when he visited Sydney this was way back when he was still the Terminator.
13. I have a burning desire to trave land see the world once I have finished my studies.
14. I hate coldplay and wish that chris martin would just fuck off and die, yeah you heard me!
15. One year during high school I got awarded a monetary prize for borrowing the most books from the school library out of the entire student population, and most of the books I borrowed had no relevence to any class work whatsoever.
16. The first gig I ever went to was Sting wiith my parents (I was like 11 or something), he played a huge number of tracks from recording with The Police, and I really enjoyed the gig seriously the man is a fantastic showman and the whole experience had a huge impact on how I rate live music of any sort.
17. I quote movies and the simpsons way too much..
18. I extorted sexual favours from an ex girlfriend after she begged me to clean up the mess her senile dog had left in her shower cubicle
I still don't know who actually got the better deal there.
19. Two of my favourite quotes are:
"The universe is not required to be in perfect harmony with human ambition" - Carl Sagan.
The other is:
"There are many branches on the tree of life. Sometimes however, it can seem completely rooted" -anon
20. MY grandfather who is in his late 80's knows more about the interwebs, email and messenger programs than my dad will ever know. My grandfather seriously rocks!

Anyway here are the 20 interesting??? random facts about moi:
01. I was born in the UK and moved to Australia with my parents when I was all of 2 years old. It is a stroke of luck that we were accepted for residencey as my father was about to leave to work as an engineer in Saudi.
02. I was also born with a tumourous growth on my side most was removed in surgery after birth but it grew back and after numerous experimental proceedures I was finally put under the knife again at age 10 and was declared tumour free age 11.
03. When I left high school I never thought I would go to university, now I am at university I can't believe I am getting offered web design work, something I though I would never persue again.
04. I almost drown as a 2 year old no shit.. my parents found me face down in a pool at my aunty's house.. had only just fallen in.. I was afraid of the ocean and going sailing for along time however now I love both these things... I think that the ocean is one of the few things I could possibly say I feel i spiritual about.
05. I can't stand to eat bananas, unless they are as tiny specks in banana cake. The natural texture of them just makes me want to

06. On my mother's side of the family I am related to the guy who built this:

No wonder I have at least some aptitude for design, tech drawing and science for that matter!
07. I love pineapple juice.
08. I once drank far too much tequila (yes more than one lip, sip suck)

09. Wheat Grass shots are awesome, I don't understand how some people can't stand the taste it is beautiful stuff.
10. I consider my brother my best friend in the world.
11. I would love to spend a year in antarctica taking ice core samples... might sound boring to you but I would love it.
12. I met the Govonator when he visited Sydney this was way back when he was still the Terminator.
13. I have a burning desire to trave land see the world once I have finished my studies.
14. I hate coldplay and wish that chris martin would just fuck off and die, yeah you heard me!
15. One year during high school I got awarded a monetary prize for borrowing the most books from the school library out of the entire student population, and most of the books I borrowed had no relevence to any class work whatsoever.

16. The first gig I ever went to was Sting wiith my parents (I was like 11 or something), he played a huge number of tracks from recording with The Police, and I really enjoyed the gig seriously the man is a fantastic showman and the whole experience had a huge impact on how I rate live music of any sort.
17. I quote movies and the simpsons way too much..
18. I extorted sexual favours from an ex girlfriend after she begged me to clean up the mess her senile dog had left in her shower cubicle

19. Two of my favourite quotes are:
"The universe is not required to be in perfect harmony with human ambition" - Carl Sagan.
The other is:
"There are many branches on the tree of life. Sometimes however, it can seem completely rooted" -anon
20. MY grandfather who is in his late 80's knows more about the interwebs, email and messenger programs than my dad will ever know. My grandfather seriously rocks!

20! do I really have to come up with 20!?!?