Christmas loot:
Super Gals! dvd boxset, Trauma Center DS game, a DS, Lunar Song (or whatever..) DS game, Romeo + Juliet dvd/soundtrack, swatch watch from mmmmark, hello kitty chonies x6, hello kitty playing cars/clutch/keychains/nail art/socks/coin purse.., knee socks, 3 cds for my car, benefit's hollywood glow/benetint/high beam, hard candy's pink palette, make up brushes, & some more make up.
I made out like a pirate.
Super Gals! dvd boxset, Trauma Center DS game, a DS, Lunar Song (or whatever..) DS game, Romeo + Juliet dvd/soundtrack, swatch watch from mmmmark, hello kitty chonies x6, hello kitty playing cars/clutch/keychains/nail art/socks/coin purse.., knee socks, 3 cds for my car, benefit's hollywood glow/benetint/high beam, hard candy's pink palette, make up brushes, & some more make up.
I made out like a pirate.
Wow, that's awesome!!!
Aw, thank you! I was just in florida, actually and will be back at the end of january. Further south, though. That's where my family lives and I grew up.