so i'm back in minnesota for the weekend and man has it been one fuckin hell of a rollercoaster. First we will start with friday night after an 8 hour drive i was so happy o be back and partying with friends its been 6 months since ive seen any of them so, so yea partied and had a great time as we were takeing off we decided to get taco bell and since my cousin lives close by i decided to ask my frineds to stop so i could surprise them. so about 5 minutes into being there the dog he had for about 12 years got hit by a car so the whole visit was consumed by burying the dog and consoleing for a little bit. then saturday rolled aroud and there was a big party, i was so excited getting to see everyone i havent seen in forever and i had a date lined up that ive been looking for all month. then the party was awesome seeing everyone was great like i had hoped and then the downside hit my date bailed, the pants on my costume riped right in the crotch and i jumped off some stairs on a deck and dislocated my knee. then today came and the hits just kept on comeing i woke up to a very sore, very swollen knee and a text message from my dad telling me that a different cousin had died in a 4 wheeler accident so instead of headin back to illinois i'm going to be driveing from minnesota to ohio for the funeral. but today did have an upside i ended up helping take some little kids trick or treating and it was pretty adorable watching them go up ot houses or the first time. but now i'm sitting here wondering if this trip should be considered a good one or bad what do you guys think?
Thank you!