im so bored right now im at my friends house and minus the short kat nap i took ive been awake surfing hotnaked bitches and playing video games oh and a little family guy .
next month im having a friend come in from la which i dont think he'll even pull it off he's always in trouble he's so bad ass to core and id hate to get my ass in trouble because of him ... i think i like him though its disgusting how charming he Can BE but i personally think he's bad for my health but sometimes thats a good thing no?
i got my second tattoo today there a buch of red stars going down my right arm it's one for the really imporant women in my family (there aren't a lot of men left )(teheeTeHee)
my week has been kinda plain minus the tat and my crack ass friends getting themselves in to shit
and somnights i spend gazing at mywonder wall thinking how did i meet these people ?
next month im having a friend come in from la which i dont think he'll even pull it off he's always in trouble he's so bad ass to core and id hate to get my ass in trouble because of him ... i think i like him though its disgusting how charming he Can BE but i personally think he's bad for my health but sometimes thats a good thing no?
i got my second tattoo today there a buch of red stars going down my right arm it's one for the really imporant women in my family (there aren't a lot of men left )(teheeTeHee)
my week has been kinda plain minus the tat and my crack ass friends getting themselves in to shit
and somnights i spend gazing at mywonder wall thinking how did i meet these people ?