Even though I'm still endlessly tired and have a headache that won't seem to go away, I feel a lot better than I did a few days ago. However if one more person asks me if I think I have SARS, I just might punch them.
I may have to go back on Paxil. I'm not too excited about that. It's amazing how something that is supposed to help you mentally takes such a toll on your body. The side effects I experience from the drug that is supposed to take away my "pain" seems to just inflict more. I'm sure a couple of you know what I'm talking about.
I'm trying to figure out what to do with myself this summer. I'm torn between attempting to venture outside of this state and saving money (which I desperately need to do) and entertaining myself locally. Someone suggested I stay around here, save money and entertain myself by trying new things and going to new places in NJ and PA (since I'm right on the border). Unfortunately this same person didn't have any suggestions to offer. How helpful. If anyone has any reccommendations, let me have them!
I had fully intended to get back into doing art shows and stuff this summer. Although I would still love to do that, I'm not quite sure that will happen considering I have yet to start working on anything new. My paints are nearly all dried up and my camera probably has a thick layer of dust. In order to avoid responsibility, I blame my laziness on the weather. The cold makes all my once-broken bones hurt and therefore leaves me unmotivated to do much of anything. Truth be told, I think I just need someone to push me into doing all this stuff again.
I guess we shall see what the next few weeks bring!
I may have to go back on Paxil. I'm not too excited about that. It's amazing how something that is supposed to help you mentally takes such a toll on your body. The side effects I experience from the drug that is supposed to take away my "pain" seems to just inflict more. I'm sure a couple of you know what I'm talking about.
I'm trying to figure out what to do with myself this summer. I'm torn between attempting to venture outside of this state and saving money (which I desperately need to do) and entertaining myself locally. Someone suggested I stay around here, save money and entertain myself by trying new things and going to new places in NJ and PA (since I'm right on the border). Unfortunately this same person didn't have any suggestions to offer. How helpful. If anyone has any reccommendations, let me have them!
I had fully intended to get back into doing art shows and stuff this summer. Although I would still love to do that, I'm not quite sure that will happen considering I have yet to start working on anything new. My paints are nearly all dried up and my camera probably has a thick layer of dust. In order to avoid responsibility, I blame my laziness on the weather. The cold makes all my once-broken bones hurt and therefore leaves me unmotivated to do much of anything. Truth be told, I think I just need someone to push me into doing all this stuff again.
I guess we shall see what the next few weeks bring!
also, you may wanna consider wellbutrin over paxil. you sound depressed to me. wellbutrin is known for very mild side effects, but it takes care of the pitfalls of depression, such as the lack of motivation you seem to be experiencing. paxil seems to be more effective with anxiety, depression being benefitted from the complete mindfuck that drug does to your seratonin levels.
good luck with that and take care...