- on toxicroach's blog post
- on toxicroach's blog post
- on toxicroach's photo
- on thickluvins's post on toxicroach's page
- on candytoc's post on toxicroach's page
- on Fallout 76 in Gaming
These are just some of the photos I got on my week long desert excursion.
It felt so good to get out and just shoot again. I want to get out more and keep up this momentum. will also start looking into get into a gallery or two. I have never been featured in a gallery, hoping to change that.
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Big thanks to @gadget for the recommendation. (photos un edited)
Marry Christmas everyone. I’m enjoying my Christmas here in the desert. Seen some awesome stuff already.( These photos are just from my phone.)
More photos to come when I get home and get through the 1000s of photos haha.
I hope you all have a fantastic holiday. May you all stay warm and comfortable!
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More to come soon.
Taking a trip out to New Mexico for a week. gonna spend as much time as I can behind the lens.
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And it has a photo mode!!! Any one want to join me out in the wasteland let me know.