For some odd reason I feel like Im in one of those sick psychological thrillers, just a REALLY BAD one.
So yesterday the boy calls me and he was wondering where I was the day before since I wasnt readily available to his beckoning call. So I told him I was in the city w the ex bf, whom I live with, and he flipped out. (now, mind you, me and this boy were never "official" and he made sure to use that defense whenever it deemed fit for him). So we get in this big thing and he was saying we may as well not be friends and all that and I was trying to at least maintain a friendship and he wasnt gunna do that. So its all kinda hazy I just remember yelling and cursing and him calling me a "psychopathic basket case". On that not I got even more pissed off and proceeded to tell him how I didnt want to talk to him anymore, for him to erase me from his memory and suddenly his tune changed. Well, I was at work so I couldnt talk and he wouldnt let me off the phone so I said "I have a JOB, that I cannot be late to..goodbye." and hung up. He leaves this 10 minute message on my phone about how he wants to be friends and he cares about me and we fucked up and bla bla bla after he was just saying before that that he didnt wanna talk to me anymore. So THEN, he gets in touch w my best friend from california, whom he hates, and she doesnt want us together so she tells him god knows what...she wont tell me all she says so lord only knows what was said. He said something to her along the lines of "I told my mom everything and shes so disgusted, she doesnt want koz in the house anymore." What the fuck did he tell her? That I carted his ass around everywhere and paid for him everytime we wanted to go out, or maybe he told her about his habit of meeting girls on the internet and fucking them after talking to them for a week. (That wasnt me, he met some chick on the computer while we were still talking and fucked her,and tried to hide it from me, so I took it upon myself to do some recreational activity of my own)Hmm I wonder...maybe he told her that he knew everything from the beginning, that he needed to get a job and quit acting like a 12 year old if he wanted me to feel like it was worth having an actual relationship with him. He didnt do that, so I didnt. He knew from the beginning I couldnt really have a relationship with him due to my living situation. He just has selective hearing and thats not my problem. So now we're on this site which is a ratings site..and he leaves this in his own comments section:
"slice_a_throat(which is me), take your bang me name into consideration for a great activity, slice your own throat, please. waste. i found out everything, thanks to a good friend of mine. the only kiss you will ever get is from my blood stained lips"
I wonder what exactly this "everything" was? Im interested to know. So from what I gather, he's either totally full of shit or my best friend is being a fucking asshole. This kid is nuts, everytime we would fight or I would try and tell him Id want to end it, he would threaten me that he was going to kill himself or that he was gunna get me thrown out of my house. I couldnt deal with it anymore. I dont wanna hang out with someone thats only going to cause me stress and fuck with my head. So, I changed all the ways to contact me and hopefully he gets the god damned point. It would sure be nice. If only he took all the energy he spent on torturing me to get a god damned job and get his license.. maybe we wouldnt be in this position, would we? I suppose one will never know. I think I must have "If youre psycho, and immature, I'll probably like you." invisibly tattooed on my forehead. Im sorry Im just venting. If anyone has any questions or comments, feel free to do so...hahah. Im just so frustrated I want this kid to disappear.
So yesterday the boy calls me and he was wondering where I was the day before since I wasnt readily available to his beckoning call. So I told him I was in the city w the ex bf, whom I live with, and he flipped out. (now, mind you, me and this boy were never "official" and he made sure to use that defense whenever it deemed fit for him). So we get in this big thing and he was saying we may as well not be friends and all that and I was trying to at least maintain a friendship and he wasnt gunna do that. So its all kinda hazy I just remember yelling and cursing and him calling me a "psychopathic basket case". On that not I got even more pissed off and proceeded to tell him how I didnt want to talk to him anymore, for him to erase me from his memory and suddenly his tune changed. Well, I was at work so I couldnt talk and he wouldnt let me off the phone so I said "I have a JOB, that I cannot be late to..goodbye." and hung up. He leaves this 10 minute message on my phone about how he wants to be friends and he cares about me and we fucked up and bla bla bla after he was just saying before that that he didnt wanna talk to me anymore. So THEN, he gets in touch w my best friend from california, whom he hates, and she doesnt want us together so she tells him god knows what...she wont tell me all she says so lord only knows what was said. He said something to her along the lines of "I told my mom everything and shes so disgusted, she doesnt want koz in the house anymore." What the fuck did he tell her? That I carted his ass around everywhere and paid for him everytime we wanted to go out, or maybe he told her about his habit of meeting girls on the internet and fucking them after talking to them for a week. (That wasnt me, he met some chick on the computer while we were still talking and fucked her,and tried to hide it from me, so I took it upon myself to do some recreational activity of my own)Hmm I wonder...maybe he told her that he knew everything from the beginning, that he needed to get a job and quit acting like a 12 year old if he wanted me to feel like it was worth having an actual relationship with him. He didnt do that, so I didnt. He knew from the beginning I couldnt really have a relationship with him due to my living situation. He just has selective hearing and thats not my problem. So now we're on this site which is a ratings site..and he leaves this in his own comments section:
"slice_a_throat(which is me), take your bang me name into consideration for a great activity, slice your own throat, please. waste. i found out everything, thanks to a good friend of mine. the only kiss you will ever get is from my blood stained lips"
I wonder what exactly this "everything" was? Im interested to know. So from what I gather, he's either totally full of shit or my best friend is being a fucking asshole. This kid is nuts, everytime we would fight or I would try and tell him Id want to end it, he would threaten me that he was going to kill himself or that he was gunna get me thrown out of my house. I couldnt deal with it anymore. I dont wanna hang out with someone thats only going to cause me stress and fuck with my head. So, I changed all the ways to contact me and hopefully he gets the god damned point. It would sure be nice. If only he took all the energy he spent on torturing me to get a god damned job and get his license.. maybe we wouldnt be in this position, would we? I suppose one will never know. I think I must have "If youre psycho, and immature, I'll probably like you." invisibly tattooed on my forehead. Im sorry Im just venting. If anyone has any questions or comments, feel free to do so...hahah. Im just so frustrated I want this kid to disappear.

if i could do the things from vice city, in real life, u wouldnt have to worry bout him anymore EVER muhahaha

Fuck this guy.. he's an ass, u can do soo much better.. u are too cool of a girl in my book to put up with this kinda shit.. if u need someone to talk to u know how to find me..o and btw turn 21 already so we can get our drink on one of these days