So..last night I had "one of those nights" and of course it has to carry over into the morning.
I need to get the fuck out of here, ex bfs brother, (who is a COMPLETE idiot) is quitting his job and will now be home full time. Not only that but his gf moved in and one of the brothers friends lives here. So, now we're gunna be up to 8 people plus a cat and dog in a 3 bdrm ranch. FUCK THAT! And the brother totally disrespects the parents, has fuckin stupid asshole friends in and out of the house at all hours of the night, waking up to drunken morons on the floor, crap all over the place bla bla bla.
I came to the conclusion that I need privacy. If I want to fuckin play with myself, I shouldnt have to worry about who might be bothering me.(I say this bc me and the ex share a room w the brother and the gf..ridiculous living situation, I know)
So my sister is moving to Florida with my mom, and I think I might be going also. Theyre leaving today, and my mom is looking at a house tomorrow and if she gets it then Im out of here. I mean, I dont want to leave up here bc well basically only bc of the shows...I could really give a shit about anything else.
Then I wake up this morning and find a letter for me concerning my financial aid. For whatever fucking reason they only want to give me 900 a semester instead of the 2000 they gave me the ast two semesters. My tax returns didnt fucking change so whats the big deal? So, in a nutshell unless its some kind of mistake Im fucked out of going to school bc my dad wont give me the extra money an since I need to get the hell out of here I wont have the extra money to pay it myself.
I dont know whether to cry or break someones always has its way and making me want to go on a killing spree...and Im a good person! Maybe I should be a shit head and things will get better for me hmm?
I need to get the fuck out of here, ex bfs brother, (who is a COMPLETE idiot) is quitting his job and will now be home full time. Not only that but his gf moved in and one of the brothers friends lives here. So, now we're gunna be up to 8 people plus a cat and dog in a 3 bdrm ranch. FUCK THAT! And the brother totally disrespects the parents, has fuckin stupid asshole friends in and out of the house at all hours of the night, waking up to drunken morons on the floor, crap all over the place bla bla bla.
I came to the conclusion that I need privacy. If I want to fuckin play with myself, I shouldnt have to worry about who might be bothering me.(I say this bc me and the ex share a room w the brother and the gf..ridiculous living situation, I know)
So my sister is moving to Florida with my mom, and I think I might be going also. Theyre leaving today, and my mom is looking at a house tomorrow and if she gets it then Im out of here. I mean, I dont want to leave up here bc well basically only bc of the shows...I could really give a shit about anything else.
Then I wake up this morning and find a letter for me concerning my financial aid. For whatever fucking reason they only want to give me 900 a semester instead of the 2000 they gave me the ast two semesters. My tax returns didnt fucking change so whats the big deal? So, in a nutshell unless its some kind of mistake Im fucked out of going to school bc my dad wont give me the extra money an since I need to get the hell out of here I wont have the extra money to pay it myself.
I dont know whether to cry or break someones always has its way and making me want to go on a killing spree...and Im a good person! Maybe I should be a shit head and things will get better for me hmm?

Aww don't say that. You're a sweetheart, I'm sure something has to work out for you. You definitely deserve it sweetie