Ahh so still nothing exciting going on yet..still working like a mofo. Been workin out so I get measured in a few days Im hoping I lost something
I was thinking of quitting the boardwalk bc it is becoming a bit much for me. Im either quitting or Im going to see if I can work day shifts when Im not working the other job. I saw my friend from Cali this week, I didnt know he was coming so that was a wonderful surprise. Something about him reminds me of Johnny Knoxville
Ahh yes Im supposed to meet this chick on Friday..if Im not too chicken so we'll see how that goes. I had two chicks ask me out but both of them were...eh...not m type or something. But either way it kind of boosted my self esteem haha. Ok well I thnk Im done for now. OH yea P.S. Im going to see Staind tomorrow nite I cant wait!

Happy 4th of july