Blah, the countdown begins...and in 4 days Ill be a year older...
So I ordered this book from Amazon...and it was supposedly delived to my apartment on the 2nd, but nothing today I went down to the Post Office to see if it was there, and it wasnt
And now Im thinking that the crazy old lady that lives downstairs has taken it out of spite for me not being very nice to her, or not giving her a few bucks for beer when she asks for it on saturday mornings (in fact Ive been down right rude).
Of course this could just be stinkin' thinkin'....maybe it was just a transient or some punk kid, instead, who took it....
UPDATE: I just got an email from Amazon, They are replacing the book for free
YIPPEEE! It is supposed to be here on Thursday so we shall see what happens, hmm??
Wednesday Feb 9th
10:49 am
WooHoo, I got me the was just UPSed and the box sits on the floor waiting for me to get off the damn computer and set it up
Topic 2: Who hangs out in grave yards...I mean really? Besides me
I love sitting around the Hollywood Forever cemetary and checking out the celebrities. And its a great way to KILL time before work, MUHAHAHA
I saw Iron Eyes Cody and Red Skelton the other day.....well the location of their rotting corpses that is
Update Feb 10
12:01 pm
Yippee, I got the book I orderd from Amazon this morning. Only one problem...the Crazy Old Lady from downstairs was the one who brought to me :/ She said the Fed Ex guy gave it to her....I think she meant that she invite him into her apatment for tea, poisoned him, and stole the package, then ran up here with it as if he just GAVE it to she is down there doing terrible things to his corpse...
Old ladies are good at fooling people with poisoned tea, you know. and most are witches, besides...
Oh yeah....tomorrow is my birthday :/

So I ordered this book from Amazon...and it was supposedly delived to my apartment on the 2nd, but nothing today I went down to the Post Office to see if it was there, and it wasnt

And now Im thinking that the crazy old lady that lives downstairs has taken it out of spite for me not being very nice to her, or not giving her a few bucks for beer when she asks for it on saturday mornings (in fact Ive been down right rude).
Of course this could just be stinkin' thinkin'....maybe it was just a transient or some punk kid, instead, who took it....

UPDATE: I just got an email from Amazon, They are replacing the book for free

Wednesday Feb 9th
10:49 am
WooHoo, I got me the was just UPSed and the box sits on the floor waiting for me to get off the damn computer and set it up

Topic 2: Who hangs out in grave yards...I mean really? Besides me

I saw Iron Eyes Cody and Red Skelton the other day.....well the location of their rotting corpses that is

Update Feb 10
12:01 pm
Yippee, I got the book I orderd from Amazon this morning. Only one problem...the Crazy Old Lady from downstairs was the one who brought to me :/ She said the Fed Ex guy gave it to her....I think she meant that she invite him into her apatment for tea, poisoned him, and stole the package, then ran up here with it as if he just GAVE it to she is down there doing terrible things to his corpse...
Old ladies are good at fooling people with poisoned tea, you know. and most are witches, besides...
Oh yeah....tomorrow is my birthday :/
I'm going to read That yellow Bastard between classes today.
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