"Well," I said, " All this white stuff on my sleeve is LSD."
He said nothing: merely grabbed my arm and began to suck on it. A very gross tableau. I wondered what would happen if some Kingston Trio/young stock broker type might walk in and catch us in the act. Fuck him, I thought. With a bit of luck, it'll ruin his life....forever thinking that just beyond some narrow door in all his favorite bars, men in red Pendleton shirts are getting incredible kicks from things he'll never know. Would he dare suck a sleeve? Probably not. Play it safe. Pretend you never saw it....
about the sex thing: yes, all of sex is subjective. so far everyone's said they either definitely haven't had the best sex yet, or they hope they haven't. which i guess is supposed to mean everyone expects it to keep getting better, or just be better than the last time.
more later on that, maybe, i'm about to go to bed with that dude you told me to marry.