Welp....Im home from work...yup. I just got a block of mexican chocolate and the secret how to make it
Bwa Ha Ha HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!! Soon the world will be MINE!!
Oh yeah and I think I wanna go to Disneyland this weekend
Also, Im feeling better...still a little drained but Im getting stronger...what a weird thing flus are :/
Everyone is awesome thank you for the soup and the kisses and the kind words
you all
Sat. 12:00
HOLY SMOKES! I lost weight while I was sick. I dont know how much but lets just say I can suddenly fit into the vest I wore to Perv 4 weeks ago....the vest that was so tight that I had to unbutton it...blah...my metabolism is so odd...

Bwa Ha Ha HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!! Soon the world will be MINE!!
Oh yeah and I think I wanna go to Disneyland this weekend

Also, Im feeling better...still a little drained but Im getting stronger...what a weird thing flus are :/
Everyone is awesome thank you for the soup and the kisses and the kind words

Sat. 12:00
HOLY SMOKES! I lost weight while I was sick. I dont know how much but lets just say I can suddenly fit into the vest I wore to Perv 4 weeks ago....the vest that was so tight that I had to unbutton it...blah...my metabolism is so odd...
Hi and *Hugs*