I should update, but I hate getting rid of that awesome Tim Burton pic...aww well, you've all enjoyed it enough, me
Thanks for everyone that left a Birthday wish, I really AM loved on this site :sniff: Or at least remembered
My Birthday kicked ass, possibly the best Birthday Ive had in years. Me, Toxicgrrl, LTrain, and Manda went to Disneyland. Manda had never been, so we celebrated her THIRD devirgining Then it was off to Bar Sinister...a kick ass Hollywood goth club that Im in love with
Bean and Shalome were on their way to join in on the Decadence and Debauchery but had car trouble and had to pull out at the last minute So next time for sure!
Sunday was dinner with friends for me and Toxicgrrl, and a great restaurant that served something called "7 courses of Beef" yikes! Scary name, but DEEEEEEEEElish!
Then I had Monday off, so I had a long weekend it was really nice
Oh and I had called in sick on Friday teehee so it was really long bwahahaha!! Actually I needed to renew my Drivers License so thats my excuse....
......and Im stickin with it....
PS. I wanna go HERE sometime.....anyone wanna come along?
Thanks for everyone that left a Birthday wish, I really AM loved on this site :sniff: Or at least remembered
My Birthday kicked ass, possibly the best Birthday Ive had in years. Me, Toxicgrrl, LTrain, and Manda went to Disneyland. Manda had never been, so we celebrated her THIRD devirgining Then it was off to Bar Sinister...a kick ass Hollywood goth club that Im in love with
Bean and Shalome were on their way to join in on the Decadence and Debauchery but had car trouble and had to pull out at the last minute So next time for sure!
Sunday was dinner with friends for me and Toxicgrrl, and a great restaurant that served something called "7 courses of Beef" yikes! Scary name, but DEEEEEEEEElish!
Then I had Monday off, so I had a long weekend it was really nice
Oh and I had called in sick on Friday teehee so it was really long bwahahaha!! Actually I needed to renew my Drivers License so thats my excuse....
......and Im stickin with it....
PS. I wanna go HERE sometime.....anyone wanna come along?
Yeah, buzz is pretty good, and it's directed and the screenplay's adapted by Richard Linklater - who also wrote and directed Dazed And Confused. Should be quite interesting...
V should kick ass - Portman allegedly rocks hard, as does Hugo Weaving as Mr. Mask Boy (I never read the GN so I don't know the names of the characters). I've heard that the story also makes some interesting social commentaries about the current political world we live in, too, so I'm interested in seeing what the world thinks of it...