Hello My Favorite Dirty Birdies...
It's been awhile since we last chatted! First off, Happy New Year! I hope everyone's 2016 is off to a great start. Mine has already started out quite eventful. Mostly good things so do not fret. You probably are now curious, so lets play catch up... shall we?
I had my first shoot of 2016 with a local photographer Robert Parrish. Our shoot went well. I followed his work for awhile and I like how creative his mind works. He has so many ideas and it was interesting discussing things he wants to capture. I enjoy working with people who think outside the box. This shoot was just for portraits though. We discussed next time shooting some different things. So make sure to stay tuned to see upcoming collaborations.
I have some more shoots coming up and exciting projects! You can keep up with me by following my Instagram @yourtoxicaddiction & Twitter @SGToxic
I got a perm! After many years of having VERY straight hair! I have always wanted curly hair. I've always loved the texture, body, and look of curls. Since my hair is so straight it though it held up like a wave. Not as intense as I wanted but I LOVE having sexy "bed head". What do you all think?
I'm still dealing with some anxiety/slight depression. I'm pleased to report it is getting better. Slowly but surely. I've been doing a total mind/body cleanse and it is doing wonders. I have been booze free for 3 weeks now and energy drink free for 14 days. I've been eating better and exercising as well. I'm happy to report I've lost 1 inch around my waist and thighs. It feels amazing to shed the pounds from the holidays!
I booked my first trip for the year! 2016 will be the year of traveling for me. Traveling is my favorite hobby. Seeing the world from a different light in a different point of view fascinates me. I love learning about different History, Architecture, Religion, Culture, and of course FOOD. Every place I journey to is always unique somehow. As much as I love Portland I always need to escape if only for a few days... a change of scenery does wonders for me.
My goal for 2016 is to travel to at least one country on almost every continent. I know that the goal seems too big to accomplish but I'm determined to make it happen some how. I want to be able to look back next year and have so many memories to share. I want to be able to grow from learning something new. This world is wonderfully complex and I want to understand it.
So the first stop on "Toxic's Epic Travel Adventure 2016" is Costa Rica! I cannot wait to finally see the rain forest! I have wanted to go there since I was a child. I've always been taken with the photos I have seen. Most importantly it's where chocolate and coffee is plenty ;). I cannot wait to share my stories with you all!
Other things making me happy at the moment. Remember in my last blog I mentioned I was singing again? Well I'm still doing that :). It's such an amazing creative outlet. Recently I've been collaborating with my friend's band. He approached me and asked for me to be their new singer. Never singing in a band before I was hesitant at first. I have sang in choir/vocal training but this is something I hadn't done before. I always wanted to. So I decided it was time to give it a shot.
I went to a practice to hear their sound and was impressed. I recorded their songs on my phone so I could learn the tune. They had no lyrics for their songs. They played me the rhythm to one song in particular. Words came to mind while they were playing. I later wrote some lyrics for a song they were playing. I listened to the song over and over and jotted verses in my lime green journal. So many scratches and rewrites. I was Humming and singing so loudly. After many hours I finally had something to present. I was so incredibly nervous and had so many thoughts...
Would they like my lyrics?
Would it flow with their style?
You never know until you try...All I knew is that I liked what I came up with...It felt right and I was going to sing it the best I could.
I sang it loudly and put all of me into it. I'm glad to say they liked it, and complemented the way it flowed. When I got home I was so excited I got out my lime green journal and started writing more lyrics for another song.
I felt creative, excited, and invigorated.
This is what I'm meant to do. I'm a singer, performer, and entertainer.
Oh the possibilities.
I've been having vivid dreams lately. I remember so many of them especially the ones about one person in particular. Things are constantly changing in my life. I'm starting to realize though the changes aren't always what is important. It's how I handle them and react to them. I love the woman I'm becoming. How I think and feel. 27 feels good.
I started reading "Interview with a vampire" a book I've wanted to read for years. I would like to read at least 10 books this year. Another goal of mine.
Butt (see what I did there ;) ) I What you really have been wanting to talk about...
I thank you all for taking the time to read my thoughts. I do love and appreciate all of you and the continued support from you all. I hope you will all forgive me for not being around. I'm going to try my hardest to be around more!
If you want to keep up with the adventures...I'm not too hard to find!
@SGToxic (Twitter)
PS: REST IN PEACE my Goblin King... I'll love you forever Bowie <3