Or should I say Ghouls and Goblins?! Whatever you are this year Happy Halloween! Hopefully you all went to some awesome parties this weekend and enjoyed every moment of cutting loose and having fun! I worked most of the weekend but managed to slip out of town Friday and have some fun Saturday after work! So let me catch you all up to speed on what I have been up to!
I've been dressing up everyday for work in costumes
I've carved some pumpkins
Bought and awesome sweatshirt and have worn it pretty much non stop
Avoided the rain and drank some coffee
Been Silly
Been Naked
at these 2 places
Been Snuggling with my pups when I get the chance to!
Been busy! Leaving for California on Saturday for a much needed vacation! I am looking forward to my upcoming adventures!
Besides all that jazz things on SG that you should keep an eye out for!
Awesome sets coming to Member Review!
My Sexy Florida Shootfest ladies are going to be naked in Member Review
...Yes that was me you saw in that collage!
December 2nd Toxic Boobs.... X's 2!
7am and 3pm mark your calendar!
Besides all that you can see NOW
Eliona & Starfuck
Oh and of course
BTW If you all are ever missing me there is a way (FB,Instagram, Twitter). I am way to busy right now to answer back PM's (I am only writing back on my swag for sale) here on SG so please do not send me one right now! If you want to chat leave me a comment or post on my wall on FB please!
If you want to see me naked though you can check out my pics section there are lots of me in it... especially in my Album of ass
More pictures?
You can also
Fan me on Facebook! I am always on facebook! This would be faster then sending me a PM if your just wanting to chat! PLEASE POST ON MY WALL I AM WAY TO BUSY FOR PM'S THESE DAYS!
My Facebook!!
(Hot photos,pole tricks, and videos!) ETC!
Follow Me On Twitter
Tweet Tweet Mutha F#ckas!
(For stripper stories and random shit)
I do the TUMBLR thing now
My Blog
If your ever in the PDX area and want to see me dance! I dance at the Acropolis Steakhouse + & Sassy's Bar & Grill
and my schedule can be found here!
My Dancing Schedule!
Until next time Have a happy and safe halloween! Don't O'd on Candy k?! Happy Humday as well! Go get some Tiger
xoxoxoxoxo Your Toxy aka: The Clamburger
PSSSS: I am selling some awesome shiz!