Blog # 5 Happy Monday everyone...I know the work week can start out ever so tough so let me help ease the work day blues for you!
...Hope that helps
I wanted to thank everyone for your comments, PM's, words on my 1/23/12 blog. You all are such wonderful friends and I appreciate the support you all showed me. You all are the sprinkles on my cupcake! I am doing alot better. Attending Phil's funeral on Friday which was tough but we all celebrated his memory afterward which honestly helped ease everyone's pain. Also they caught the woman who hit and ran Alli, she is out on bail right now. I really hope she does some time for fleeing like a coward.
Moving on off this subject. I have been keeping myself ever so busy! Besides shakin' my ass at the Acropolis I've been working out 3-5 days a week and trying to stay on a routine. I love working out at L.A. Fitness I am so happy I switched! Saltwater pools and the sauna are my new favorite hot spots...Also the sauna isn't Co-Ed so I can sweat neeekkkiiidd it's AmazeBalls! I also have been trying to do Karma Suicide's Ab routine along with my own 3 times a week and I already am feeling such a difference! Seriously if you haven't tried it do! I am happy to report that in the past 8 months I have lost a total of 11 punds and have kept it off! I am feeling more sexier than ever. The icing on the cake though since January 1rst I have lost 2 inches around my waist and an inch around each of my thighs
Besides Work and Gym time I have spent my free time doing the following
-Watching Poke'mon (Mostly the Indigo League)
-Playing Kindom Hearts on the PS2...It's been so ong since I have played! I feel so out of game shape...Almost finished with Wonderland. Playing a couple hours every few days when I have free time.
-Got a new book to read (The Time Traveler's Wife) excited to start it but haven't got a chance to yet!
-Hanging out with the Awesome Husbear and the Puppers. Shaun is well He is working quite a bit! He just got tattooed (It's his token of his love for me sunflowers and peacock feathers, next to the love for his father awes)
Puppers are fantastic!
I am pretty fantastic as well
Soooo "Lumberjack" was removed today...I am sorry to all those who really loved it but it was up for a year and didn't get purchased so it was time for it to go. Thank you all for your continued support on it and a very special thanks to Silencia for shooting it for me. I will always have fond memories of freezing my vagina off in the snow...well to an extent lol! But if you are needing to see me naked I still have Toxic-I Pine For You for your viewing pleasure.
....But if you all can be a little smidgen of patient this is surely on it's way SOON
I am very lucky to have such awesome friends like Handsome_Jack & Selene btw
Stay Tuned because it's going to be so hot your going to get a fucking "nerdgasam" (TM Toxic Word)
But until then you should check my ten set picks in member review for this week!
Things I'm loving around SG right now
That I discovered this group!
I am very much looking forward to this
My girl McKenzie is hitting member review soon "Some like it hot" She hasn't done a set in ages so make sure to love this set!
Work tonight ugh! Suppose to be my day off but I have my cousin coming on Thursday and I am starting my new sleeve so I need monies! Tattoo appointments this week and next soooo stoked! I will try to update soon!
Besides that I leave you with this
Until next time Stay Metal, Stay happy, & Have Fun! always, me Your Toxy
xoxoxoxoxo The Clamburger
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