Well today is the day and the three months are finally up yay!!! I'm excited that the beautiful set I shot with Glennsweet & Wenzdai can finally be up to bat I'm hoping for a homerun and not a strikeout lol! This is my second set the first one that I shot with a staff photographer so I feel really good about this one. I wouldn't say my first set was a complete disaster even though it was a disaster to a degree lol... I know I had to fail so I could aee my faults and work harder to improve and between the practice and all the help, tips, and tricks I've been recieving from SG's, Hopefuls, and photographers really I owe them alot for helping me become more comfortable with pin up modeling. I have two particular people who I believed helped me more than anyone one being Safehaven who is a damn awesome hopeful she wrote a thread in the hopefull's group about smiling and I believe that one in particular thread made me more comfortable and more confident about my smiling...also SG Vanessa who i've always admired was the first SG to be nice to me and give me real constructive critism which helped me with every asspect to how a set should look and quality of sets. Between everyone's help and support the past long 3 months lol well it seemed that way I just want to say thank you with all of my heart I don't think it will ever be understandable how much it all meant to me. I'm hoping this time I'll be seeing pink and even by chance if that's not the case (knock on wood) then I know the set was a wonderful experince and the message of the set was one needed to be shared...this set means alot to me I'm hoping 2nd time is the charm. Thanks for reading xoxo Toxic

Hey you have some cool photos, I would love to talk to you sometime!
Oh ya, and good luck!