I've got PTSD...first wife left me because of it, and now my girl that I'm with now said I gotta fix it or leave. Pride tells me I'm ok, but I know I need the help, just don't trust the pills. All the side effects make you worse sometimes and I don't want to bleed from my ass or something haha. I hate big crowds people I don't know make me nervous, I'm ashamed of myself for being like this, and that makes it worse. I used to be the crazy little Mexican dude who knew how to have a good time, I feel old and don't ever want to go out anywhere anymore. This disorder is pushing everyone I love away is it selfish to not want to take pills? I try the herb, it helps but sometimes I get too low for it to help. I don't know how to deal they taught us how to deal with the bombs and bullets, but not how to deal with what it does to you. I'd just lke some input from you guys please.

Yeah, I heard weed can help with that. Fuck pharmaceutical drugs.
I think they have treatment for it right, like therapy?
Don't give up. Find some other guys with the same problem and try to figure out how to deal with it.