Well, I've been home for about two and a half months now. It's been a hell of a time, trying to adjust to now bombs and no gunfire. I have to thank the mickey's and the budwieser and the samuel adams for helping me on that though. I was watching the show the killpoint, it's about some dudes who rob a bank to make a political satement about Iraq. In my opinion the show was a goddamn bueatuful thing. Alot of the things they said went right along with what we IRR dudes thought. I don't know were I'm going with this. I'm just letting my hands do the walking, and being that I hadn't said anything in a while I figured I should get to typing. For those of you who were concerned about my wifes situation, it has gotten better. It's hard for me to understand what she's going through, so things get difficult at times. My father is getting locked up for a while, it sucks that it took him fixing to get locked up for us to get close, but that's how it goes i guess. We got fucked up last weekend, it was cool, just a bunch of dudes fishing at 2 AM with two 30 packs of bud. well, that's all I have to say for now. Hope I was slightly entertaining. laterz