Well, we got a happy easter from the bad guys today. They mortared the shit out of us. I was in the tower, that's right I'm an 11 bravo fobit, go figure, but like 3 of those fucker landed like less the 50 meters from my tower. All i could do was get low and think, shit, I'm gonna die, in a fucking tower. My sad little life flashed before my eyes, and I remembered something. Some of the workers hooked us up with some good 'ol Cpt. Morgan. So right about......now, I'm all nice and faded and acting like nothing happened. Of course, I shared with my brothers, but i saved most of it for good 'ol me. Shit, I think I might be an alcoholic when i get back home. I'm fucking ready to go home yo....
Keep low, stay alive, and...bowl's a'blazin in honor of you and your bro's for 4/20. We'll keep 'em lit till you come home safe and sound.
watch the drink, i seen it ruin men from my unit, and I almost went down that road myself when i got stateside. stay sharp, stay safe