so its been awhile since ive written one of these. i dont know if people actually read my blogs soo yeah i write them for me and noone else. my emotions are in a tumble set on cotton sturdy and i can't see which way is up or where the light is coming from. I have this chica that i am best friends with and im being more and more drawn to her. though she doesn't feel the same. im wondering if its not just the prolonged singleness that is causing me to latch on to people. she is not edge... and that is a big thing for me. i need a girl i can trust and with someone that gets drunk i can not trust them. i went down that road and it ended up being a disasterous train wreck killing a big part of me. well i wouldnt say killing more like severe peralisis. since then i have trouble with relationships. trust issues mainly. she is coming for christmas and it will be very akward if she is still with "security boy". on a lighter note i got my second project done for my astetics of film class. now only the final remains. helped a buddy out with his sophmore piece it should turn out great. I have a new online crush.......... her name is kairi and i <3's her bunches. she is cute and fun but lives in texas which is more than inconvenient. well i dont know what else to talk about. if you have any questions id be happy to answer them. yeh ummm sooooo yeah........
Lots of things have changed, I think you should write a new one <3.
Watched you on tv the other night