so i ran out of money and moved back to the rents place but they have a old ranch house on their newly acquired 22 acres built in like 1912 but it has a fireplace and is rent free. it is in the middle of nowhere and I'm feeling the isolation. got my macbook love every inch of it but t gets dirty easily and i haven't found a good cleaning agent to use on it oh well. life's not perfect. still gf less just past the year mark thinking of just giving up on that end h well summers coming and my bike has been neglected as of winter. well for now thats all i got to talk about and dred chat disappointed tonight no one was there GAY and don't tell me not to use that in a derogatory way cause its offensive to gays. cause i love gays but its a word and after playing any online game everything is gay
I'm out lata all
I'm out lata all