things are dull as of late nothing happening nothing going to happen just riding my bmx <shittily> i might add and yeah trying to pay bills and riding my bike i bought a 52 gmc pickup with no idea how to rod it out like i want but i'll learn i'll find a way just need the dough well ttfn ta ta for now
just watched ghost rider... biggest let down in a while. i was hoping it was gunna be sweet. all i've been to was shitty movies as of late. damn i feel wierd i had two monsters and a mountain dew and i feel awake and yet utterly exhasted at the same time. so yeah valentine's day came and went and i don't know if things...
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whatever happened with the lady friend?
ummm yeah like a week later she told me that she had gotten drunk and she had slept with her ex boyfriend i told her to leave and i haven't talked to her since
so today is my birthday and it is going quite well i'm the big 2-0 and i am getting old. nope not a teenager anymore. it is weird to think that. oh well c ya later.
thanks for your comments on my set!!
wow its been forever since i posted a blog so here goes the dreds are no more i am sad they have been gone for awhile got a job with a mortgage company and had to cut them off. it sucks and i want them back like no other. i bought a hosue its a 4 bed room and the end of a dead end...
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so yeah haven't updated my site in a while too busy with myspace i guess but yeah starting dreds and yeah want more piercing the preference change didn't last long umm yeah i hate punctuation an don't use it as much as possible and if you are having a tough time reading this then hahahaha you suck but yeah umm not much going on working...
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Thanks for the set comment! kiss
it is my jeep silly...the guy a 'borrowed' it from is my husband wink
yeah so after being hit by a car and almost dying my preferences changed a bit i no longer wanted my piercings and my hair colored weird huh
yeah ok haven't talked on here much but now i have something to say. well i was in the hosipital last weekend for three days. it sucked and the reason i was in there was cause i was hit by a fricken mini van yeah it sucked alot. yeah and its not like i was in a car wreck i was a pedestrian. and they...
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ok was browsing sg and found the hottest girl alive, quinne is fucking amazing
Hey i'm, new to this whole thing. wats there to do?
Well, I've heard about these naked girls somewhere on here, but it must be well hidden or something. wink

Theres enough to kill lots of time, thats for sure. Especially at the end of term when you need to procrastinate in any way possible.