This was my first and my favorite...
The Struggle
Always reaching, striving;
You stand here frozen in time
trying to reach up to a higher power;
but you always fall short of your glorious goal.
The seasons strip you of your beauty,
But you still strive for that goal you once set.
Your arms are twisting and have cracked from
Your long and arduous journey....
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The Struggle
Always reaching, striving;
You stand here frozen in time
trying to reach up to a higher power;
but you always fall short of your glorious goal.
The seasons strip you of your beauty,
But you still strive for that goal you once set.
Your arms are twisting and have cracked from
Your long and arduous journey....
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yeah ... my coffee lover gets around.... slut

Well that last posting was really prompted by the fact that I found my old poetry book that an ex had given me for a birthday and that I filled with some of the poems I was working on in Radford when I was goin there. I remember going to this coffee house there every tuesday to read my new stuff like some of my...
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You know it's amazing to see how your life can take a180 degree turn from what you thought it would be only a short few years ago. Not just that but how your path in life can, not just change but change dramatically, in such a very short time. I went from doin whatever illegal substance offered to me in college, only a few short...
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Just uploaded some new pics of my dog and her pups!
one is never enough, but you have to start somewhere.

Aw man, all this paperwork I have to look forward to in my new chosen field. Not that all of it is actually on paper but it's "red tape" just the same. I hated the bureaucratic B.S. paper assignments in high shcool now that has become the majority of my work. But at least I living up to my end of a deal I made...
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thanks.. I'm doing nursing and respiratory therapy. congrats to you too on the graduation. I hope you are proud of yourself

So I've been outta school for a litter over a few weeks and haven't done a damn thing, and it feels good. But seriously I need to start goin out more, hopefully this girl I'm supposed to meet up with on sat will help in the going out department, but who really knows. Anyway I need to find some people who like to go out...
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Well graduation has come and gone, and now I am officially ready to take yet another test to qualify for that most desired of titles: RN. Anyway I have been just a little busy with finals and all that haven't even given myself time to play any music let alone mess with this journal thing. Still trying to play things cool at my job, I...
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Well graduation has come and gone, and now I am officially ready to take yet another test to qualify for that most desired of titles: RN. Anyway I have been just a little busy with finals and all that haven't even given myself time to play any music let alone mess with this journal thing. Still trying to play things cool at my job, I...
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I'm new to this whole thing but am looking for someone who is ready for anything and is willing to face the unceraintiy of life with a grin and a smile....