I want to eat at Corez Wine Bar a while ago, and I had a nice meal there. I started off with a grilled octopus dish that had a very nice flavor, even though it was lacking with a grilled-flavor, since it was not grilled but griddled; which sadly occurs more often than one might think in restaurants. For the main course, there was a very nice lamb braise, which worked very nicely with the braised fennel. The braised lamb was a tad dry, but otherwise it was still a pleasant meal. For being a wine bar, they, thankfully, have a nice selection with a wide range of prices, with the higher-priced selections being boutique varieties of modest & good selection. I would recommend Corez for those who like good food & good wine.
Law school is going well, even though my brain seems getting tired from the continual focus.
Law school is going well, even though my brain seems getting tired from the continual focus.
it means so much to me