Well now Stormy, Katie and Dusty are gone, three of my favorite girls, what is going on??
Last Thursday the Shack Shakers were in town, fun as always, it was good to meet Blnt too
I was doing some dancing like a crazy fool, but not as crazy as this kid in front of us who looked like some sort of wind up toy out of control, Kathdar and I got a picture with the most beautiful man in the world (guitar player) and we felt unashamadely like 14 year old girls meeting n'sync, ha. I was afraid he would remember me from the last time they were in town because I was very drunk and Jimi and Katherine had dared me to go tell him how incredibly sexy I thought he was and I cannot resist a dare, but I'm sure he gets that often, so fortunately, I don't think he remembered. Matt and Zack joined us for the evening and I was a little unsure if they would enjoy it, but once again I think it was proven that pretty much anyone can and will enjoy a crazy rockabilly show. Also, for those there, did you notice the strange, disgusting hair pattern on the singer, don't know why, but Kathdar, Kerri and I have to bring it up every time.
I found out from Silencio that Cat Power will be in Springfield, I cannot believe this, I am absolutly astonished, right here, in our little town. I saw Cat Power at the acl fest with 50,000 other people, so strange that she will be here. I remember Jessica and I camped out at the front of the stage for hours without food or water so we would have a good spot for Cat Power, Modest and the Pixies. We had heard that sometimes Cat Power can be moody/strange, have weird breakdowns on state, etc. But she played a beautiful set, smooth and nice and we were thinking, "hmm...nothing" and then after she was finished playing this amazing set she leaned into the microphone and said completly deadpan and believable, "sorry that sucked" and got up and walked away.
Speaking of the Pixies, I was listening to them earlier. And that song, "Hips like cinderella" made me feel so silly, because I have realized that I am attracted to this boys hips, it sounds strange, that is probably the last area I would ever think to be attracted to, but I can't stop staring, the way his t-shirts dip onto his hips all tight and his tight pants, I just want to reach out and grab his waist or hold his hand or kiss his face (combined with either of the previous two) all those silly, giddy little things we do, but I don't because I am so effing awkward around him, something like 7th grade all over again, I don't remember the last time this happened to me because back "in-the-day" with shithead/asshole/jerkface/kansas city kid, whatever you want to call him, it went something like this:
Him: I am attracted to you and would like to put my hands in your hair and kiss you passionatly and then afterwards I would still like to be able to carry intelligent conversation with you.
Me: I too am attracted to you and would like to put my hands in your hair and kiss you passionatly and then afterwards I would also still like to be able to carry intelligent conversation with you.
(obviously, this is paraphrased, but pretty close, hehe)
but this boy, I am completely unintelligent, I open my mouth and sit there like a fish out of water, nothing coming out. It's something more like, "well, you guys sit over there and talk amongst yourselves and I will sit here and think about how I would like to place my hands on your hips and talk to you in an intelligent manner"
oh sheesh, when does this thing end, this silly thing called youth, never I guess, because here I am, 23 and doing the same old thing I did when I was 15, I thought I had grown out of it, but apparently, awkwardness can haunt one forever.
This is getting to be a long post, but how did I never know that this SG existed until today:
beautiful! I love nipple rings, probably on girls more than guys, but I don't know what it is, just a little extra flair.
I must head off, I miss SG!! I promise I will make comments soon, hope everyone is well.
love and such-tough.

Last Thursday the Shack Shakers were in town, fun as always, it was good to meet Blnt too

I found out from Silencio that Cat Power will be in Springfield, I cannot believe this, I am absolutly astonished, right here, in our little town. I saw Cat Power at the acl fest with 50,000 other people, so strange that she will be here. I remember Jessica and I camped out at the front of the stage for hours without food or water so we would have a good spot for Cat Power, Modest and the Pixies. We had heard that sometimes Cat Power can be moody/strange, have weird breakdowns on state, etc. But she played a beautiful set, smooth and nice and we were thinking, "hmm...nothing" and then after she was finished playing this amazing set she leaned into the microphone and said completly deadpan and believable, "sorry that sucked" and got up and walked away.
Speaking of the Pixies, I was listening to them earlier. And that song, "Hips like cinderella" made me feel so silly, because I have realized that I am attracted to this boys hips, it sounds strange, that is probably the last area I would ever think to be attracted to, but I can't stop staring, the way his t-shirts dip onto his hips all tight and his tight pants, I just want to reach out and grab his waist or hold his hand or kiss his face (combined with either of the previous two) all those silly, giddy little things we do, but I don't because I am so effing awkward around him, something like 7th grade all over again, I don't remember the last time this happened to me because back "in-the-day" with shithead/asshole/jerkface/kansas city kid, whatever you want to call him, it went something like this:
Him: I am attracted to you and would like to put my hands in your hair and kiss you passionatly and then afterwards I would still like to be able to carry intelligent conversation with you.
Me: I too am attracted to you and would like to put my hands in your hair and kiss you passionatly and then afterwards I would also still like to be able to carry intelligent conversation with you.
(obviously, this is paraphrased, but pretty close, hehe)
but this boy, I am completely unintelligent, I open my mouth and sit there like a fish out of water, nothing coming out. It's something more like, "well, you guys sit over there and talk amongst yourselves and I will sit here and think about how I would like to place my hands on your hips and talk to you in an intelligent manner"
oh sheesh, when does this thing end, this silly thing called youth, never I guess, because here I am, 23 and doing the same old thing I did when I was 15, I thought I had grown out of it, but apparently, awkwardness can haunt one forever.
This is getting to be a long post, but how did I never know that this SG existed until today:

beautiful! I love nipple rings, probably on girls more than guys, but I don't know what it is, just a little extra flair.
I must head off, I miss SG!! I promise I will make comments soon, hope everyone is well.
love and such-tough.


i meant you once, and you were nice