WTF some random girl ran up to me today and asked me "Boxers or Briefs" LOL. I was kinda shocked, I mean she sprinted right up to me, so I said both. She smiled and said awesome than off she went. Maybe I should say thongs next time, might get her number that way LOL.
Just got back from a bar near the airport, so many beautiful ladies working tonight, aso serving the best thing in life GUINNES! Is there anything better than Guinnes? My favorite video on you tube:
MUD MUD MUD MUD!! Just walked in mud along side the tracks. I love mud nothing like getting your boots filled with some dirt . I also love how it feels like spring outside, Bloor St is packed with people. Its amazing what +4 degrees and some sun will do to the population.
Just finished lunch, had awesome Indian food. I love that stuff. Going to relax than off to the gym. So cloudy out today compared to yesterday. Yesterday felt like spring it was such a welcoming day in the middle of January. It was +5 degrees! Ahh well, guess that's done with.
Starting a new diet, High protein and a lot of fruit. I just got suckered in buying a trainer for a year cost me $1600! How am I ever going to pay shit off errr. He better get me fit fast LOL. Eating ritz crackers with peanut butter! It taste so good!
Just joined a gym by my place. If you don't make time for fitness your making time for illness. I don't really like illness so I joined the gym. I hope to get a personal trainer at least once a month to help me and motivate me. I must go every week for the year and be the way I want to be.
Another week of work done.
I really wish I can make people vanish from the face of earth, never ever to see them again. The list keeps on growing. But one day someone will make it happen, I just hope I am not on there list.