I rarely get sick. My immune system is so strong, in fact, that I could literally make out with someone with the flu and still remain healthy. Its kind of a nice feeling to look as everyone around me gets the latest epidemic thats going around and laugh as I simultaneously cartwheel and bench-press a pick up truck.
Like Superman or Achilles, I too have a terrible crippling weakness: flowers.
Thats right friends, those pretty little beloved by girls and bees, those things that men give to their ladies, those little things that kids draw, and poets compare things to, render me damn near incapacitated. In other words, I have allergies somethin fierce.
I guess when the gods were creating me, and making me neigh invulnerable to mortal weapons and diseases, they realized, had they made me too indestructible I could, with little effort, over throw their mighty realm of Midgard and claim it as my own, so they littered the planet with allergens and used their mighty wind to blow them into every orifice in my body.
Those jerks.
So while I may laugh in the winter as my friends and loved ones sniffle and cough, I have to sit by the wayside every spring, rubbing my ever-swollen eyes, sneezing, and wiping my Rudolf-esque nose as my associates frolic through the meadows.
Those jerks.
Like Superman or Achilles, I too have a terrible crippling weakness: flowers.
Thats right friends, those pretty little beloved by girls and bees, those things that men give to their ladies, those little things that kids draw, and poets compare things to, render me damn near incapacitated. In other words, I have allergies somethin fierce.
I guess when the gods were creating me, and making me neigh invulnerable to mortal weapons and diseases, they realized, had they made me too indestructible I could, with little effort, over throw their mighty realm of Midgard and claim it as my own, so they littered the planet with allergens and used their mighty wind to blow them into every orifice in my body.
Those jerks.
So while I may laugh in the winter as my friends and loved ones sniffle and cough, I have to sit by the wayside every spring, rubbing my ever-swollen eyes, sneezing, and wiping my Rudolf-esque nose as my associates frolic through the meadows.
Those jerks.
that doesnt sound to good
i am alright
ate to much mister noodles =[