So I've been doing all kinds of big boy stuff lately. I opened a savings account, I started a direct deposit with my work, and I cleaned my apartment. I know I'm, like, way old and stuff... but being a grown up is just something I haven't quite gotten the hang of yet. Every time the gas bill comes I stand there looking at it with no money, a stack of new comic books, and a pint of ice cream wondering what it is, and why it takes my money every month.
Yeah, I was supposed to be moving out of this place next week, but do to unforeseen circumstances I won't be moving out until September. Here's a little tip for anyone reading this: If you tell someone you have an extra room for rent, and then you decide to move out of your house instead, don't wait until a week before the person is supposed to move in to tell him. I was all prepared to live under a bridge, when luckily that same day a guy from work told me HE had an extra room for rent, for cheaper too. So that kinda worked itself out... whoo! coasting through life! The only problem with this new place is it's in... *shudder* Fishtown. Not that there's anything inherently wrong with Fishtown, the architecture is kinda cool, since it was originally zoned industrial and then years later changed to residential so it's mostly converted factories and warehouses. The only real problems I have with it are 1. It's not South Philly, and I've grown kind of fond of my little shitty part of town
and 2. I get called a fucking hipster enough as it is! (For anyone that doesn't know, but cares, Fishtown is a part of northern Philadelphia that was mostly white trash until semi-recently when it was gentrified by art snobs and hipsters). But, hell... I'm too desperate to let those stupid reasons stop me from moving there.
One last thing, before I end this novel. I hate when people say, don't act weird after this, and then you don't, but they totally do. I hate when things are weird.
Yeah, I was supposed to be moving out of this place next week, but do to unforeseen circumstances I won't be moving out until September. Here's a little tip for anyone reading this: If you tell someone you have an extra room for rent, and then you decide to move out of your house instead, don't wait until a week before the person is supposed to move in to tell him. I was all prepared to live under a bridge, when luckily that same day a guy from work told me HE had an extra room for rent, for cheaper too. So that kinda worked itself out... whoo! coasting through life! The only problem with this new place is it's in... *shudder* Fishtown. Not that there's anything inherently wrong with Fishtown, the architecture is kinda cool, since it was originally zoned industrial and then years later changed to residential so it's mostly converted factories and warehouses. The only real problems I have with it are 1. It's not South Philly, and I've grown kind of fond of my little shitty part of town

One last thing, before I end this novel. I hate when people say, don't act weird after this, and then you don't, but they totally do. I hate when things are weird.
i would like to cyber high five you on this note, because it felt awesome to hear someone else experience what i have---but until now no one has said it as straight up as you!