My cat woke me up at the butt-crack of dawn this morning and I couldn't fall back to sleep. As a result of that, I'm kind of in a grumpy mood... and as a result of that, I decided to make a list of my pet peeves.
My pet peeves, in no particular order:
- When people don't say thank you after you've held the door open for them. Or, even worse than that is when you're holding the door for someone and rather than put their arm out to hold the door they just walk through like you're their fucking bellhop or something.
- When I'm sitting on a park bench or similar outdoor setting, by myself, smoking a cigarette, and someone sits next to me and starts to fake cough, or give me dirty looks, or even asks me to put it out. I mean, I completely understand that cigarette smoke is a nuisance to people and it's unhealthy and everything... but you know what? You sat down next to ME. If smoke bothers you, you should've gone somewhere else, I was here first.
- People who think they're better than you because they do or don't do something, or they think less of you because you do, or don't do something. For example, people who think they are so awesome because they don't watch television. I fully support not watching tv and doing other things with your time, but that doesn't make you better than anyone who enjoys tv. Another example is people who think they're better than you because they don't play video games, "I have better things to do with my time." Ya know what, no you don't, you just have DIFFERENT things to do with your time, and that's fine, but you're not any better than me. I could go on and on with these examples: People who think they're better because they're vegan, people who think they're better because they eat meat, people who think they're cool because they have no tattoos, people who think they're cool because they have MORE tattoos, people who ride bikes, people who drive cars, straight edge kids, people who smoke pot... the list goes on and on, my point is, you're not fucking better than anyone else, you're just different, get over yourself.
- When people have strong political beliefs and don't know why. " George Bush sucks!" Okay, I totally agree with you, why do you say that, "Uhh, 'cause he does!" NO! That's not a reason, they're are plenty of reason to hate the man, but that's not one of them.
- When I say hi to someone and they ignore me.
- When people from out of town come here and make fun of the way I say water. You know what? It's a regional dialect... welcome to the fucking region! Now... if I go out of town, well sure, then it's no holds bar, but while you're in my city, YOU are the one that talks weird. (For anyone reading this that may be unfamiliar with a Philadelphia accent, most inner city people pronounce it WOOD-er as a opposed to WAH-ter)
- Allergies
- Litter. Especially when you see it less than 10 feet from a trashcan.
- When people sneeze or cough and don't cover their mouth.
- Being interrupted. This, is hands down, my all time biggest pet peeve. I fucking hate when people interrupt me. Wait until I'm goddamndone talking!
- The fact that when I write okay this things spell checker tells me it's spelled wrong.
- When people say LOL in real life. Mostly because, if you're saying "LOL" then you're clearly not laughing out loud, are you?
- When I'm at work, and I'm ringing someone up, and they're on their cellphone. Please, anyone reading this, if you are guilty of this I IMPLORE you to never do it again. I think this is every cashiers biggest pet peeve. I mean, come on, how long does it take to get rung up? 5 minutes, MAX. I'd say an average of 1- 3 minutes usually. You can hold off on your conversation until then. It's just rude.
- When people say coffee is gross. It's not gross, not to me.
Okay, I think I've got a pretty decent list here. I know I think of some later, but I'm starting to wake up a little and I'm feeling less grumpy so I'm going to end this now.
My pet peeves, in no particular order:
- When people don't say thank you after you've held the door open for them. Or, even worse than that is when you're holding the door for someone and rather than put their arm out to hold the door they just walk through like you're their fucking bellhop or something.
- When I'm sitting on a park bench or similar outdoor setting, by myself, smoking a cigarette, and someone sits next to me and starts to fake cough, or give me dirty looks, or even asks me to put it out. I mean, I completely understand that cigarette smoke is a nuisance to people and it's unhealthy and everything... but you know what? You sat down next to ME. If smoke bothers you, you should've gone somewhere else, I was here first.
- People who think they're better than you because they do or don't do something, or they think less of you because you do, or don't do something. For example, people who think they are so awesome because they don't watch television. I fully support not watching tv and doing other things with your time, but that doesn't make you better than anyone who enjoys tv. Another example is people who think they're better than you because they don't play video games, "I have better things to do with my time." Ya know what, no you don't, you just have DIFFERENT things to do with your time, and that's fine, but you're not any better than me. I could go on and on with these examples: People who think they're better because they're vegan, people who think they're better because they eat meat, people who think they're cool because they have no tattoos, people who think they're cool because they have MORE tattoos, people who ride bikes, people who drive cars, straight edge kids, people who smoke pot... the list goes on and on, my point is, you're not fucking better than anyone else, you're just different, get over yourself.
- When people have strong political beliefs and don't know why. " George Bush sucks!" Okay, I totally agree with you, why do you say that, "Uhh, 'cause he does!" NO! That's not a reason, they're are plenty of reason to hate the man, but that's not one of them.
- When I say hi to someone and they ignore me.
- When people from out of town come here and make fun of the way I say water. You know what? It's a regional dialect... welcome to the fucking region! Now... if I go out of town, well sure, then it's no holds bar, but while you're in my city, YOU are the one that talks weird. (For anyone reading this that may be unfamiliar with a Philadelphia accent, most inner city people pronounce it WOOD-er as a opposed to WAH-ter)
- Allergies
- Litter. Especially when you see it less than 10 feet from a trashcan.
- When people sneeze or cough and don't cover their mouth.
- Being interrupted. This, is hands down, my all time biggest pet peeve. I fucking hate when people interrupt me. Wait until I'm goddamndone talking!
- The fact that when I write okay this things spell checker tells me it's spelled wrong.
- When people say LOL in real life. Mostly because, if you're saying "LOL" then you're clearly not laughing out loud, are you?
- When I'm at work, and I'm ringing someone up, and they're on their cellphone. Please, anyone reading this, if you are guilty of this I IMPLORE you to never do it again. I think this is every cashiers biggest pet peeve. I mean, come on, how long does it take to get rung up? 5 minutes, MAX. I'd say an average of 1- 3 minutes usually. You can hold off on your conversation until then. It's just rude.
- When people say coffee is gross. It's not gross, not to me.
Okay, I think I've got a pretty decent list here. I know I think of some later, but I'm starting to wake up a little and I'm feeling less grumpy so I'm going to end this now.
- George Bush sucks 'cos he FAILS at the English language; I could care less about his politics.. but his speech?? A whole other matter
- And add that shit to spell checker dictionary-- I've recently added douchebag, twat, and bajesus. Comes in handy
Oh, and since you appear to be someone who cares about trash infesting our sidewalks (and everything else for that matter) I assume you might know a thing or two about recycling. Even though I refuse plastic bags at stores, I've somehow ended up with about 9 million since I started the school year. My bag Bag is overflowing