I'm terribly sorry if your revenue has decreased slightly since I started riding my bike to work everyday. I'm sure the sum total of my fare could not have accounted for very much of your annual income, and that is why I'm perplexed. I'm confused as to why one of your bus drivers thought it would be in his best interest, and in turn, your organization's best interest, to hit me with his bus. If not some revenge tactic for slightly decreasing your sales, then why? Is it that many of the people that work for your company are uneducated, slow and unqualified for their positions? Is it that the life of a man riding a bicycle is somehow less valuable than the life of a man in a car, or SUV, or minivan etc (many drivers, of non-commerical vehicles seem to hold this view point as well)?
Whatever the reason may be, let me just rebut your attack by saying, WHAT THE HELL!? I got hit by a fucking bus!!! While riding to work!! Thank fucking god there was no car in the other lane, or I'd see first hand if my body was capable of turning into a Wile E. Coyote-esque accordian. Seriously, though, SEPTA, you should really think about changing your, hitting guys on bikes with busses policy. It's shit like this that makes you repeatedly one of the worst ranked public transportation companies in the world, and also one of the main reasons I started biking to work in the first placel.
So in closing, I'd just like to say FUCK YOU! You can't kill, the McG!! I got hit by a bus and lived to tell the tale, and left with nary a scratch! (Though I may or may not have had a concussion, but that's a different story). Haha! I'm invincible! And, if this was some sort of revenge thing, grow up, man. jeez!
Sincerely yours,
Patrick Edward James McGinley
I'm terribly sorry if your revenue has decreased slightly since I started riding my bike to work everyday. I'm sure the sum total of my fare could not have accounted for very much of your annual income, and that is why I'm perplexed. I'm confused as to why one of your bus drivers thought it would be in his best interest, and in turn, your organization's best interest, to hit me with his bus. If not some revenge tactic for slightly decreasing your sales, then why? Is it that many of the people that work for your company are uneducated, slow and unqualified for their positions? Is it that the life of a man riding a bicycle is somehow less valuable than the life of a man in a car, or SUV, or minivan etc (many drivers, of non-commerical vehicles seem to hold this view point as well)?
Whatever the reason may be, let me just rebut your attack by saying, WHAT THE HELL!? I got hit by a fucking bus!!! While riding to work!! Thank fucking god there was no car in the other lane, or I'd see first hand if my body was capable of turning into a Wile E. Coyote-esque accordian. Seriously, though, SEPTA, you should really think about changing your, hitting guys on bikes with busses policy. It's shit like this that makes you repeatedly one of the worst ranked public transportation companies in the world, and also one of the main reasons I started biking to work in the first placel.
So in closing, I'd just like to say FUCK YOU! You can't kill, the McG!! I got hit by a bus and lived to tell the tale, and left with nary a scratch! (Though I may or may not have had a concussion, but that's a different story). Haha! I'm invincible! And, if this was some sort of revenge thing, grow up, man. jeez!
Sincerely yours,
Patrick Edward James McGinley
Whoa- well that sucks. Are you okay? I'm about to fix my bike up so I can ride to work too, but I'm scared of the rednecks in my town hitting me with their fords and their hummers.