So, I've had some sort of curse with electronic devices the past few months. I'm not entirely sure what I've done to offend these machines but they are mad at me, none-the-less. It started simple enough, I was walking home around 3:30am, drunk as drunk could be, when I came across a creek. In my state of inebriation I decided that walking through the creek would cut down my travel time (as opposed to finding a way around it, since I wasn't exactly sure where I was, at the time) and I forgot to take everything out of my pocket before I waded through the waist deep water. Well, badda-bing badda-boom, my cellphone is broken. A few months later I get a new cell phone from a friend of mine, only to drop it in the toilet while trying to talk and pee at the same time. I then, buy a third cellphone, only to have this one break for what seems like, as near as I can tell, absolutely no reason at all. That's how it started.
After that, my laptop breaks, for undiscovered reasons (I recently moved, so I'm assuming it was damaged somehow in the moving process), my stereo has been somewhat, laissez faire on its CD playing policies, and the most recent, I just bought an Xbox 360 that was broken before I even took it out of the box. This was the most frustrating for a number of reasons.
For starters, it wasn't a new machine, it was a refurbished machine. Now, I realize that a used device is more likely to brake sooner than a brand new one, but come on! It's REFURBISHED, that means they took it out and checked it and made more sure it was okay to sell. It's not like I bought someone's old Xbox from a garage sale or anything. Don't they test these things before they ship them out? It's just a big fucking hassle now. I have to submit a ticket to this company's website telling them it doesn't work, wait for a response (apparently they don't respond on weekends either), have them tell me, "Okay, sorry it's broken send it back," send the damn thing back, wait for them to get it, wait for them to fix or replace it, and then wait for it to arrive. . . again. I mean, I basically purchased a chore for myself. Not to mention, with my track record, it's more than likely this thing will be covered in coffee or pizza sauce or some other liquid not meant for video game machines before I get a chance to send it out, thus, nullifying any kind of warranty. Ugh.
Well, I suppose as annoying as this all is, it could be worse. At least these things aren't exploding or, ya know, gaining sentience and rising up against their oppressive master. Wait, I am typing this on a computer. . . perhaps I should end this now before I give anything any sort of idea.
After that, my laptop breaks, for undiscovered reasons (I recently moved, so I'm assuming it was damaged somehow in the moving process), my stereo has been somewhat, laissez faire on its CD playing policies, and the most recent, I just bought an Xbox 360 that was broken before I even took it out of the box. This was the most frustrating for a number of reasons.
For starters, it wasn't a new machine, it was a refurbished machine. Now, I realize that a used device is more likely to brake sooner than a brand new one, but come on! It's REFURBISHED, that means they took it out and checked it and made more sure it was okay to sell. It's not like I bought someone's old Xbox from a garage sale or anything. Don't they test these things before they ship them out? It's just a big fucking hassle now. I have to submit a ticket to this company's website telling them it doesn't work, wait for a response (apparently they don't respond on weekends either), have them tell me, "Okay, sorry it's broken send it back," send the damn thing back, wait for them to get it, wait for them to fix or replace it, and then wait for it to arrive. . . again. I mean, I basically purchased a chore for myself. Not to mention, with my track record, it's more than likely this thing will be covered in coffee or pizza sauce or some other liquid not meant for video game machines before I get a chance to send it out, thus, nullifying any kind of warranty. Ugh.
Well, I suppose as annoying as this all is, it could be worse. At least these things aren't exploding or, ya know, gaining sentience and rising up against their oppressive master. Wait, I am typing this on a computer. . . perhaps I should end this now before I give anything any sort of idea.