I'm moving on Saturday to beautiful south Philadelphia. I'm excited to have a new place, but I am not excited to move... why haven't they invented furniture moving robots yet? They should totally invent those... also they should be free of charge for their services. At any rate, I'm excited to be finally getting out of this place and into a place that is awesome, a place where lizards will roam free without fear of my roommates killing them. Hooray!
More Blogs
Tuesday Sep 09, 2008
Whoa, so I was kinda drunk when I wrote that last entry. Haha, it was… -
Monday Sep 08, 2008
so i just heard shouting from downstairs in my new house, and thought… -
Friday Sep 05, 2008
So my birthday was amazing. I totally wasn't expecting it to be. It s… -
Thursday Sep 04, 2008
yeah so. happy birthday to me. -
Monday Sep 01, 2008
Read More -
Sunday Aug 31, 2008
erg. today was frustrating. -
Thursday Aug 28, 2008
I'm drunk and happy right now. -
Monday Aug 25, 2008
so i came home from and work and all my roommates are gone. I feel li… -
Sunday Aug 24, 2008
So I moved into my new place yesterday. Now my arms and legs are s… -
Thursday Aug 14, 2008
Ugh. What a week. So I got dicked out of the house I was supposed…