I'm moving on Saturday to beautiful south Philadelphia. I'm excited to have a new place, but I am not excited to move... why haven't they invented furniture moving robots yet? They should totally invent those... also they should be free of charge for their services. At any rate, I'm excited to be finally getting out of this place and into a place that is awesome, a place where lizards will roam free without fear of my roommates killing them. Hooray!
More Blogs
Friday Jun 12, 2009
I havew not been this drunk in a while. and it's only 12 hahaaha -
Tuesday Jun 09, 2009
So, the mighty Thor seems to be pissed this morning, enough to wake m… -
Tuesday Jun 02, 2009
I rarely get sick. My immune system is so strong, in fact, that I cou… -
Thursday May 07, 2009
If you live in a city you know that riding in a car is often the leas… -
Thursday Apr 23, 2009
If music, movies, and video games have taught me anything (and its ve… -
Tuesday Apr 07, 2009
So I haven't updated this thing in a while. What's been up with me… -
Friday Feb 13, 2009
I'm a little sad that I don't have a valentine... not going to lie. -
Sunday Feb 08, 2009
wait, never mind.... I totally got fired. -
Tuesday Feb 03, 2009
...and I'm not fired, for some reason. I did however get in a shitloa…