I'm moving on Saturday to beautiful south Philadelphia. I'm excited to have a new place, but I am not excited to move... why haven't they invented furniture moving robots yet? They should totally invent those... also they should be free of charge for their services. At any rate, I'm excited to be finally getting out of this place and into a place that is awesome, a place where lizards will roam free without fear of my roommates killing them. Hooray!
More Blogs
Sunday Nov 14, 2010
Well, I got a new hat, and it's pretty awesome. However, the rest … -
Friday Nov 12, 2010
I need a new hat. -
Friday Sep 17, 2010
I would like to give the bards something to sing about. -
Sunday Jul 25, 2010
Ugh. Car crash today. Right side of my body is hurting. Car wre… -
Sunday Jun 20, 2010
Can't sleep. Well, that's not entirely true. After Having no days… -
Monday Jun 14, 2010
Cross the Rainbow Bridge of Asgard Where the booming heavens roar Yo… -
Sunday Jun 06, 2010
Are all nerds as good as you? Yes. How come? Because all jocks think … -
Monday May 31, 2010
It's hot, I'm hot. -
Monday May 31, 2010
If it keeps on raining levee's going to break If it keeps on rainin… -
Thursday May 27, 2010
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