Um....yes.... ROLL FREAKIN TIDE! WHOO HOO!!!!! What an Awesome game!biggrin In the morning I am REALLY gonna wish I hadn't celebrated quite so late or hard...But ,hey, the last time this happened was 17 years ago... I can live with that...
16 degrees out the door this morning and were getting snow tomorrow morning.... Dammit I live in ALABAMA not Colorado!
At some point in the last 3 days SOMEONE siphoned half the gas outta my van! :-c
That's not cool.
Happy New Year... I stayed over with friends last night for a great party. Those of us left over this morning were still trying to piece together exactly what happened. I am kinda hazy on parts but I am pretty sure one of the cats pooped in my mouth while I was asleep! Thank the gods I have a weekend to recover.....
It's a damned HARD thing to admit... I AM cursed when it comes to relationships... TOTALLY MY FAULT I fear. Kharma IS a TOTAL BITCH! I TRY to live life by my own rules... I guess MY rules are NOT acceptable to the universe... either I am just "doing it wrong" or G-D just doesnt LIKE me... I tried again and lost ,once again. It's...
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I'm sorry to hear that things havent been going so well with you..
Thanks for adding me! kiss
Ok, I AM here to meet lovely sg's... That said ,I didn't start out that way, it's just how things happened...
I was "lurker" for forever and a day. I LIKE BEAUTIFUL WOMEN! I do not apologize for that.... I love beauty...PERIOD!
Look at my "friends" list and TELL me I have BAD taste!
So last Friday, I had to go pick up "Tabitha" ,our family cat.... she's been with us for 25 ,count em, 25 YEARS. I had to take her to the vet and she was slowly breaking down and dieing. I cried like a little girl... I took her to Docter Webber and even HE was not ready to let her go. He called me today...
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I hope things are okay in your world.... and that Tabitha visits you often ..

How are you these days?
Yes CES + AVN = genius! Like Beauty and the Geek with eXXXtra cheese wiz!
Security....what does this word mean in relation to life as we know it today? For the most part, it means safety and freedom from worry. It is said to be the end that all men strive for; but is security a utopian goal or is it another word for nut? Let us visualize the secure man; and by this term, I mean a man who...
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You're sweet! thanks.
I talked with an old friend tonight. My friend Ronda... she is selling off tons of stuff that she has collected over the last twenty years or so. What an amazing collector ... she is going to clean up in a few auctions! It was soooo good to just get to talk to her again. I've known her for twenty years+ but we lost touch...
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i feel good about being willing to do almost anything for anybody. especially a cat. smile