Did ya ever have a day when you just reaaaly wanted a Mulligan ( a DO-OVER in golf). I woke up this morning, not just on the WRONG side of the bed , but feeling as if I were on the floor on the wrong side of the bed... NOTHING was going to work out today... Well, when you HAVE that kind of attitude, you are quite probably going to get the results you EXPECT! I did just that....a very unproductive day, with friends pissed off at me.... Apologies have been made, but only on voicemail as nobody REALLY wants to talk to me right now... Honestly, some days, it just doesn't PAY to wake up!
More Blogs
Wednesday Jun 29, 2011
Yeah.... winamp is kewl till I'm asleep for two hours and RAMSTEIN … -
Wednesday Jun 29, 2011
Damn! The audacity and sheer lack of HONOR to be found in some people… -
Tuesday Jun 14, 2011
DAMMIT! What IS it with me? I quit dating FIVE YEARS AGO because I es… -
Tuesday Mar 22, 2011
I swear to G-D.... redheads WILL be the DEATH OF ME! But , ya k… -
Friday Mar 11, 2011
Some days... life is just TOOO weird for words.... today was kinda li… -
Tuesday Mar 08, 2011
DAMN! I need to put a breathalizer on my computer! I went out t… -
Thursday Feb 24, 2011
I woke up this morning to a phone call which brought me out of a zomb… -
Tuesday Feb 15, 2011
Good eats, good booze, ocean breeze, cool sand in between the toes...… -
Tuesday Feb 15, 2011
Headin out to the Redneck Riviera (Panama City Beach) early in t…