Today has been a day of mixed blessings. I got several really GOOD business calls which will help me immensely in getting my tiny a/v, low voltage business going. Really, for business, it was a phenomenal day! However, I went out to the shared garage between properties this morning and what I found has kinda broken my heart... We have had a couple of litters of cats that have made their home in the garage ,and my neighbor and I have been working to keep track of the kittens and get them spayed and neutered as they came of age. Today, I found one of my favorites ( five month old orange tabby) dead from a vicious bite to the back. I cleaned her up and put a box together with some cloth for her... I just felt like she should be buried with some love. I buried her out in the garden and I got a call while I was doing it... BIG account... they want A LOT of work. Talk about conflicting emotions!

aww =[ but congrats on the account!
Thank-you Doll!