WOOT!! My son crawled FORWARD for the first time!!! He won't be crawling backward forever, lol.
well it healed within about a week.. i bled for a bit but that was only because i drank alot the night before.. my friend got hers done a few days after mine and barely bled at all..its actually something you defiently dont expect.. the cut does not hurt at all. as for peeling it back open.. that is true if you want to cut PAST you inisial tounge barbell.. if you go past that.. every morning when ou wake up you need to rip it back apart.. which ill be experiencing very soon. im on vacation right now in az and im getting my tounge split about a 1/4 of an inch further back. im pretty stoked.. hope i helped a bit.. anymore questings feel free to hit me up. take care rockstar