I became an uncle for the first time last night. Poor little guy is gonna be as hairy as me when he grows up from the looks of it. I'll have to teach him how to use the v05 hot oil on his chest without burning himself, makes it silky smooth for da ladieeeees.
After 7 years as an undergrad you would think I would actually make an honest attempt to go to class. Especially when 12 hours of my week is drawing nude models......

...you sure would think indeed......

Who the hell had the bright idea to draw naked people at 8am anyway?
I love naked people, but I do agree, it would be a bit much at 8am...
Yarrrrrrr, Steve.........yarrr. ARRR!!!
u seem to update this thing sporadically...anywho, random hello (though i did see u try and sneak out unnoticed)
Curses....foiled again.....

Guess I could add that I'm returning after a little while on the DL after a lightning storm out here fried my last computer frown

Buuuuut, I'm glad to be back. It has been way too long.
Ahhhhhh yes, here we go again. Those who wander astray may often return. Its good to be back.

Recently got accepted in to my advanced degree program at my U. Now i'm lookin at putting myportfolio online. If any of you have any suggestions or sites you prefer, please let me know.
"I'm a consumer whore!"

Don't we all love this time of year? Seems that no matter what religion/culture/ethnicity you are based, money always gets tight and stress levels go through the roof. Workloads increase and the amount of bitching people do seems to be at its annual max. Personally, after many years working the various jobs that I had the fortune of holding, if I...
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14 threads successfully killed by yours truly.

Why is it that whenever I post a smarmy comment in a thread, it chokes every ounce of life out of it?
Great, a test in just over 6 hours and here I am wandering this site again. Curse you SG!!!

I think this semester is going to end up in the can. My grades are shit, my workload has increased at my two jobs, my commitment and motivation have decreased radically, (could be due to taking 0 classes towards my major this fall) and to top...
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Don't you just hate it when your boss is addressing the whole team on an issue that needs to be fixed...but he keeps looking directly at you?

politics. politics. politics.

Another year, another load of crap from all sides. Can't wait till its just over and I don't have to hear about it for another four years.

I really need to buckle down and focus...
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Nice reference to Air up there on the threads.. it was definitely unexpected.


Seriously, why is my fridge barren of beer. This has gone on for too long. I can't think straight, can't sleep, and feel cranky. If only beer didn't cost money. Guess I'll just have to hold out until Friday. frown
Curses...foiled again....

Hypothetical question: If a person is promoted to a position of higher power within a company/business, is that said person now limited to the style of relationship he can hold with other female co-workers outside of work? And if so, why is it that these female co-workers seem to only show interest in him now that he is in such a position?

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**Warning** A man with no beer wallowing in his self loathing is about to post a message**Warning**

Why the hell am I sitting here all alone again on a Friday night? I mean, ok...I COULD say that its all because I get off work so late and I'm tired from the week, but I know I'm just making excuses at this point. Am I really...
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Another late night....4:30am and 2 tests tomorrow.
I seriously need to go get some pills to fix this insomnia. surreal
bummer blackeyed hope you did well on your tests!

my brother was taking ambien for a while to help him sleep and it worked pretty well. i considered it for a while when i was an insomniac but now i get regular sleep.

welcome to the land of SG journals by the way smile
Tests went ok, I hope. Just gotta wait for the grades now. Thanks for the info on ambien, gonna talk to my doc as soon as I can get some time off.