My little family!!
We’ve had Jasper for a little over 2 weeks now and he has stolen my heart and soul!! He is so smart and the most precious dog ever
If you have dogs, please give me some advice! He is really scared of other dogs when I take him to the park and will bark and growl, he’s snapped a couple times of the other dog is too energetic. Any advice on how to socialize him safely?
Let me know in the comments below! ❤️
Thank you so much everyone for your advice! I am hoping to find a friend at a dog park with a calm dog to go on walks with. He’s been doing better but he jumps on me as if he wants me to pick him up to save him! I’ve been cautious to go to a dog park but we are also looking into local behavioral trainers in case we feel it’s necessary. Happy new year to everyone and I appreciate all of the help!