What never fails to make you happy when you’re feeling low?
I really enjoy this homework as I feel low a lot because of loneliness.
I spend a lot of time alone because I work second shift which is the opposite of the people I have in my life who work Monday through Friday 9-5. Where I work Tuesday through Saturday 5-1. So I constantly have to find a way to keep myself out of the gutter.
When I wake up I always play music while getting ready. Anything I can jam to, sing along with, or dance to gets me in a good mood. As well as putting on makeup and styling my hair makes me feel better because it keeps my mind busy.
The other way I keep myself happy during the day is working on myself and building upon myself. I’m branding myself to try and freelance full time so creating new content and connecting with other creative people makes me feel great about myself. Watching myself grow as a person and a creative is my favorite thing that really makes me feel better. I wasn’t ever able to go to college so being successful on my own is extremely important to me and everyday I achieve small goals that really help.
Working on yourself really helps improve sadness and feelings of being low I’ve come to learn because it keeps the mind busy and when something good comes out of it, it’s a great feeling of achievement!
@missy @rambo