The story so far, for those of you, dear friends, who didn't already read about it: I can't be - by far - as active on SG as I used to, because last year I left the small artist studio I was living in -ideally suited as it was for the nerd I am, with a huge, old-fashioned Macintosh, internet access and stuff - and settled at my father's home (he needs somebody to live with him all the time): a place even more old-fashionedly equipped as was mine, with no internet fast-access; so, as I don't own any laptop, I need going elsewhere - my old home, internet caf, a friend's place - for accessing to internet...
... of course, I'm seriously considering
a) buying a laptop and
b) equipping my father's home with DSL; but it can't be a priority for now, mostly because there are lots of other priorities lined up before: you guess, I'm sure, it's not for a lack of interest in SG, of course! I still love you all!
And now for something completely different: I have been deeply moved by today's NYT's "QUOTATION OF THE DAY ":
"They don't get hungry. They're not afraid. They don't forget their orders. They don't care if the guy next to them has just been shot."
GORDON JOHNSON, of the Pentagon's Joint Forces Command, on robot soldiers.
(article can be read here)
It's comforting to think of the courageous people in the Pentagon actively fighting these prejudices against robots that are unfortunately still widely spread amongst humans. Maybe there's some hope for mankind, after all.
... of course, I'm seriously considering
a) buying a laptop and
b) equipping my father's home with DSL; but it can't be a priority for now, mostly because there are lots of other priorities lined up before: you guess, I'm sure, it's not for a lack of interest in SG, of course! I still love you all!
And now for something completely different: I have been deeply moved by today's NYT's "QUOTATION OF THE DAY ":
"They don't get hungry. They're not afraid. They don't forget their orders. They don't care if the guy next to them has just been shot."
GORDON JOHNSON, of the Pentagon's Joint Forces Command, on robot soldiers.
(article can be read here)
It's comforting to think of the courageous people in the Pentagon actively fighting these prejudices against robots that are unfortunately still widely spread amongst humans. Maybe there's some hope for mankind, after all.
Thanks for your good wishes and my best to you on your new adventure as well.
At least you have your priorities straight! I'm working on mine...hehe.