DAUGHTERS OF BASTET: Part 6. As in 666.
Did they know how heavy was exactly the egglike thing? A pile old phone books should do the trick. I had to use lenghts and lenghts of tape, but I succeeded in giving the package a package's likeness again. I opened the door silently, ringed, slammed the door open, hissed a resonant "SHHHHHHHHH!", stepped out then slammed it again.
Nine minutes.
"Hello Mr Green!"
Mr Green was always in time. But he was not used to be greeted with such a bright smile. He nodded undecisively, his narrow porcine eyes narrower than ever.
"Mr Green, how are you! I was so nice of you last time offering me to take my stuff to the garbage pail. I wouldn't have dared to annoy you with that, but just now I can't do it myself, I got something in the oven. Thanks again."
I left my mind wander, while closing again the door, this time silently: was Mr Green now calling me a moron for having taken his mock offer seriously, or calling himself a moron for having made it, the morning after the last time I had mistaken the garbage pail with the street door at 2 in the morning?
But maybe was I just being a cynic. Maybe he was happy to have made a new friend, after all.
I gave an eye to the oven, on my way to the front window. It was maximum heat.
There was a van stationed the opposite side of the street, just facing the temporarily closed filling station. On the van's sides, a frise of poorly drawn grinning pumpkinheads wearing makeup, colorful wigs and pointy hats topped a large purple notice : THE SOILED WIG. Below, in smaller letters, it stated: The Most Distasteful Disguises And Accessories For The Most Decadent Events. Special Prices For Groups. Two men in grey had grabbed Mr Green; they hustled him into the van , a third one keeping watch. Another four carried the parcel with the used phone books into, as carefully as it had been a reliquary, toward the huge black Lincoln parked at the next corner.
the story begins here
Did they know how heavy was exactly the egglike thing? A pile old phone books should do the trick. I had to use lenghts and lenghts of tape, but I succeeded in giving the package a package's likeness again. I opened the door silently, ringed, slammed the door open, hissed a resonant "SHHHHHHHHH!", stepped out then slammed it again.
Nine minutes.
"Hello Mr Green!"
Mr Green was always in time. But he was not used to be greeted with such a bright smile. He nodded undecisively, his narrow porcine eyes narrower than ever.
"Mr Green, how are you! I was so nice of you last time offering me to take my stuff to the garbage pail. I wouldn't have dared to annoy you with that, but just now I can't do it myself, I got something in the oven. Thanks again."
I left my mind wander, while closing again the door, this time silently: was Mr Green now calling me a moron for having taken his mock offer seriously, or calling himself a moron for having made it, the morning after the last time I had mistaken the garbage pail with the street door at 2 in the morning?
But maybe was I just being a cynic. Maybe he was happy to have made a new friend, after all.
I gave an eye to the oven, on my way to the front window. It was maximum heat.
There was a van stationed the opposite side of the street, just facing the temporarily closed filling station. On the van's sides, a frise of poorly drawn grinning pumpkinheads wearing makeup, colorful wigs and pointy hats topped a large purple notice : THE SOILED WIG. Below, in smaller letters, it stated: The Most Distasteful Disguises And Accessories For The Most Decadent Events. Special Prices For Groups. Two men in grey had grabbed Mr Green; they hustled him into the van , a third one keeping watch. Another four carried the parcel with the used phone books into, as carefully as it had been a reliquary, toward the huge black Lincoln parked at the next corner.
the story begins here
I ran the section quoted thru my translator & have to say I'm unsure of the source...but I'm guessing "The Roads Round Pisa"
damn good story, by the way.
I predict that in 20 years time there will be more "SOILED WIGS" than Starbucks.