And now back to our little serial.
The sound in itself was nothing frightening. Fingernails tip-taping on furniture could have produced it. But, for minutes now, everything around me had ceased looking -or sounding- innocent. Exactly since Kristi Yamaguchi, in the most unexpected way, had reappeared in my life, bringing back this feeling I had so long been familiar with, that everything could happen at any time. Once again, I looked at the package. The small ball-pen drawing in the left corner could have been the usual meaningless doodle you do at the post office, waiting for your turn... but to me, it identifyed the sender more accurately than a seal could have done. An Oujdat eye, underlined by the usual stylized make-up lines, drawn in the classical hieroglyphic way... only the eye was closed. The unique way Kristi used to draw it.
A faint, balsamic smell emanated from the package as I shaked it, while going round the couch. I was almost the other side when I froze. I was looking right into two large eyes, wide-open in a thin white face. One blue eye and one green.
The sound in itself was nothing frightening. Fingernails tip-taping on furniture could have produced it. But, for minutes now, everything around me had ceased looking -or sounding- innocent. Exactly since Kristi Yamaguchi, in the most unexpected way, had reappeared in my life, bringing back this feeling I had so long been familiar with, that everything could happen at any time. Once again, I looked at the package. The small ball-pen drawing in the left corner could have been the usual meaningless doodle you do at the post office, waiting for your turn... but to me, it identifyed the sender more accurately than a seal could have done. An Oujdat eye, underlined by the usual stylized make-up lines, drawn in the classical hieroglyphic way... only the eye was closed. The unique way Kristi used to draw it.
A faint, balsamic smell emanated from the package as I shaked it, while going round the couch. I was almost the other side when I froze. I was looking right into two large eyes, wide-open in a thin white face. One blue eye and one green.
I think i might sometimes play the "nothing's wrong" game, too. What a silly i am!