Re-read Brautigan's Dreaming of Babylon. Funny how much the book's plot has in common with The Big Lebowski's. The protagonist's inner monologue even gives an insight on what the pot-smoking, Black Russian drinking Lebowski could have in mind. Thinking of this... I guess what I need now is a Black Russian.
More Blogs
Wednesday Nov 27, 2002
Saw Cronenberg's Spider... found it way more disturbing than "Element… -
Monday Nov 25, 2002
Ugly November weather today again... something that's not totally rai… -
Thursday Nov 21, 2002
This week: re-read Robert Holdstock's "Lavondyss," second and (in my… -
Wednesday Nov 20, 2002
Namedropping is a must in SG journals... After mentioning Morgan, th… -
Monday Nov 18, 2002
Word, Dave, last week was a fun week of hampsterness indeed... but h… -
Monday Nov 18, 2002
Word, Dave, last week was a fun week of hampsterness indeed... busy… -
Friday Nov 15, 2002
Again, "daylight licked me into shape"... so, I'm not a werecreature … -
Wednesday Nov 13, 2002
Interesting.... of all the ideas that I recently submitted to people … -
Tuesday Nov 12, 2002
If I don't turn back completely to human, I wonder if I could make a … -
Sunday Nov 10, 2002
Slowly (more slowly than I expected) turning back to human form... S…
So busy. Will write you an e-mail this evening when i'm done mentoring some kids. For now, though, I must run to yet another class.