kensington market is still probably my favourite neighbourhood in toronto. its just so... real. its become more commercial over the years as the whole city has, but still retains its character.
these posters have been around town since i was in high school. Reg Hart's sketchy theatre on Bathurst street showing these little festivals of tripped out celluloid is a Toronto stoner tradition. The posters are art. When i went away to uni, i took some to hang in my room. yeah. Toronto Kills Me, but I fucking love it.

these posters have been around town since i was in high school. Reg Hart's sketchy theatre on Bathurst street showing these little festivals of tripped out celluloid is a Toronto stoner tradition. The posters are art. When i went away to uni, i took some to hang in my room. yeah. Toronto Kills Me, but I fucking love it.

Love kensington market!!