...and the country breathed a collective sigh of relief
It's like getting my birthday present 2 months early (or two years too late, take your pick - I'm being optomistic). Yes, the mighty have fallen. The Reichpublicans have been bettered by the Democrats. While Santorum, et. al are claiming the end of the world is nigh and that terrorists will soon be invading your backyard, people like me are fucking giddy with glee.
What the next few months will bring in D.C. will be interesting to see. Will the Dems actually stick to their guns and deliver on promises made? Will Bush become the lame duck I'm hoping so desperatley he will be? Will we finally get a fucking exit strategy for Iraq? I'm don't know, but I'm exceedingly hopeful. I hope it doesn't degenearte into apathetic detente again.
But with Rumsfeld stepping down (how convenient), things are looking ever more up. Perhaps, just perhaps my demolished faith in the system can be restored. You've got your chance, Dems. Now whatever you do, don't fuck it up. Be swift and merciless and just. And don't give John Q. Voter any rope to hang you with.
It's like getting my birthday present 2 months early (or two years too late, take your pick - I'm being optomistic). Yes, the mighty have fallen. The Reichpublicans have been bettered by the Democrats. While Santorum, et. al are claiming the end of the world is nigh and that terrorists will soon be invading your backyard, people like me are fucking giddy with glee.
What the next few months will bring in D.C. will be interesting to see. Will the Dems actually stick to their guns and deliver on promises made? Will Bush become the lame duck I'm hoping so desperatley he will be? Will we finally get a fucking exit strategy for Iraq? I'm don't know, but I'm exceedingly hopeful. I hope it doesn't degenearte into apathetic detente again.
But with Rumsfeld stepping down (how convenient), things are looking ever more up. Perhaps, just perhaps my demolished faith in the system can be restored. You've got your chance, Dems. Now whatever you do, don't fuck it up. Be swift and merciless and just. And don't give John Q. Voter any rope to hang you with.