Nothing really exciting happened today. Went to work for 5 hours on my day off.. ugh. I can't wait to get out of this place.

You know, some days I wonder, what could I have done differently? It's not regret, just curiousity. Like, i wonder how my life would be different if my dad was still alive. Would I have persued my dream to go...
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Happy Birthday Brian!
What would you do RIGHT NOW if your dad were alive then u would know what ur path should be...
Hope your birthday is great. smile
ack! my arm itches.. Sorry, random thought. Nothing really great has happened today xcept for the fact that I have to go spend 2 hours around 300 people I don't really care for. I see them once in a while, some more then others, when they come through the line. Other than that, why would I care to talk to them? I shant have it!...
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The question I have is why do you have to spend 2 hours around 300 people you don't really care for?

Oh, and welcome to the website. Enjoy!