Man it's been a while hasn't it? Anyway I suppose I'm overdue for a journal entry.
Life Sucks.
There ya go. My entry in a nutshell incase you don't read past that. My mom is in the hospital... the worst hospital ever. She's been there two days and they still don't know what's wrong with her. Although at first they thought it might be renal failure. Thankfully they ruled that out. For you laymen, renal failure = kidney's stop working and filtering those lovely toxins we like to dump into our gullets. I can't eat or sleep cause she's all I got left . Oh sure I have a brother and sister... one is so proper and upstanding it's sickening and the other has a picture of themselves next to the definition of red neck in the dictionary. It's a small blessing they didn't break out boxing gloves at the hospital Thursday.
To my friends I inconvienienced (sp?) at work. Sorry.
Life Sucks.
There ya go. My entry in a nutshell incase you don't read past that. My mom is in the hospital... the worst hospital ever. She's been there two days and they still don't know what's wrong with her. Although at first they thought it might be renal failure. Thankfully they ruled that out. For you laymen, renal failure = kidney's stop working and filtering those lovely toxins we like to dump into our gullets. I can't eat or sleep cause she's all I got left . Oh sure I have a brother and sister... one is so proper and upstanding it's sickening and the other has a picture of themselves next to the definition of red neck in the dictionary. It's a small blessing they didn't break out boxing gloves at the hospital Thursday.
To my friends I inconvienienced (sp?) at work. Sorry.
awe i'm sorry that your life sucks babe. I'm sorry about your mom. I hope they figure out whats wrong with her and make her all better really soon. I send you my love and the best of wishes sweetie.
